All you need to know about miscarriage or spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage is also referred to as a spontaneous abortion. For many women that are devastated by a miscarriage, even the sound of abortion is offensive. Although to our body, a miscarriage is when the body aborts the fetus. Most miscarriages take place in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Signs of miscarriage can be spotting or bleeding, cramping, contractions (regular every 5-20 minutes), weight loss, mild to severe back pain and a sudden drop in pregnancy symptoms. After a miscarriage women are often left with unanswered questions and little emotional support. There are great resources like to help women get the answers and support they need.

Each women’s experience with miscarriage is different. How each of us explain and ultimately accept what has happened during our pregnancy can be very personal.  As varied as a woman’s experience can be so are the many contributing factors to miscarriage.  Contributing factors to miscarriage are stress, drug use, maternal age, hormonal problems, maternal trauma, genetic abnormalities and improper implantation. A comprehensive description on miscarriage, contributing factors, types of miscarriage, warning signs and prevention can be found here.


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