What Causes A Miscarriage?

What Causes A Miscarriage?There is simply no getting around the fact that a miscarriage is a devastating experience. There are a number of things that can cause a miscarriage, but whatever was the cause of yours, you always have to remember that you were not to blame. A pregnancy is very complicated, and a miscarriage is actually quite common in the first 3 months of any pregnancy. It is now estimated that about 15% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and when you take into consideration the unknown pregnancies, that figure actually rises to above 60%.

One of the biggest causes of miscarriage is what is referred to as mismatched chromosomes, where the chromosomes that you contribute and those that your husband does simply do not come together as they should, so a viable fetus cannot result. This usually happens only once, fortunately, and doesn’t generally occur in subsequent pregnancies.

At times, the woman’s body will produce too much testosterone as a result of polycystic ovary syndrome, which will result either in infertility or an early miscarriage. If you have had several miscarriages, this syndrome could well be the culprit. Fortunately, this is a treatable condition, and many women with polycystic ovary syndrome go on to successful pregnancies once the problem is under control medically.

It is now estimated that up to 30% of women have endometriosis. Endometriosis means that you have pockets of tissue that would normally be in your uterus scattered throughout your body. These scattered bits of endometrium act just like the lining of your womb during your monthly cycle, but because there is no ‘normal’ outlet for the blood and lining tissue, it can build up in your body causing scar tissue and adhesions. These adhesions can involve your fallopian tubes or any part of the reproductive system and can cause a miscarriage. The fact that this endometrial tissue produces hormones, too, can also induce a miscarriage. Endometriosis is often treated by using birth control pills, although surgery may be needed in some cases to remove scar tissue or open blocked tubes. Ironically, being pregnant often puts endometriosis into remission.

Metabolic problems such as diabetes and thyroid abnormalities can also result in miscarriage. Both thyroid problems and diabetes that have not been brought under control will result in a uterine condition that is hostile to the fetus. In many cases, once the medical condition is under the proper treatment, it will usually be possible for the woman to become pregnant and carry the baby to term.

Another common cause of miscarriage is an untreated bacterial infection. There are several kinds of infections, mycoplasma and ureaplasma that are often responsible for miscarriages. These bacteria are present in almost everyone’s body and generally coexist with people, but if they manage to proliferate they can affect a pregnancy and cause a miscarriage. The insidious thing is that there are often no symptoms accompanying these infections, and neither will be suspected until a miscarriage occurs. The organisms responsible for these infections will cause irritation and inflammation of the uterus, making it impossible for the pregnancy to progress. Although these infections can be difficult to diagnose, several weeks of antibiotic treatment will usually clear them up.

Having a miscarriage is traumatic and upsetting, but finding out the cause is of paramount importance as those that have resulted from a medical condition can often be treated successfully.


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